Quick Update: Where We’ve Been & What We’ve Got Planned

Checking back in

Hello, world! We’re just coming at you with a very, very quick update about where we’ve been and what we’ve got planned coming up on the Celiac Press.

Where have we been?

Summer 2019 was the first of a few crazy summers for us, all in the best way. We had a pretty big life event that happened (that we’re super excited about) a couple of weeks ago (we might need to rename this post).

Also, Isabelle has been doing an intensive PhD program where she does all of her coursework for 4 courses in a total of about 8 weeks. She started this back at the end of May, 3 weeks after finishing her Master’s degree, so there hasn’t been as much time to write here as we hoped there would be!

What’s next?

Starting this August, we’re going to be posting more regularly. Some of the things we want to talk about are:

  • Small-town gluten-free eating
  • Cooking gluten-free on a small budget/with few supplies
  • Raglan Road at Disney Springs (some new issues with the gluten-free food there came up when we visited, and we’re still looking for answers)

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